Tuesday, March 15, 2011

bRAiNStORm fOR SciENcE fiCtiON StORy

Freezing machine like in Austin Powers
World wide disaster when I entered the freezing machine
entered freezing machine in 2011 come out in 2111
Everyone dresses like the jetsons
flying cars, like hover cars
different fast food places and banks in the air where you have to take your hover car to
most animals are extinct from the world wide disaster in 2011
only animals left are dogs and cats
People are all happy and cheery and have tons of energy
all houses are smart houses.
dogs and cats can communicate
computers run the earth.
moon bouncers- shoes that can bounce like your on the moon to get the places
world wide disaster that happened in 2011 were tsunamis and earthquakes like the movie 2012. volcanoes. They all distroyed everything and killed everything. except humans. there was an evacuation where everyone in the world had to go to and be frozen in time so the scientists could work and fix the world. before world wide disaster hit 350,000,000 people, after disaster hit 9,023,255 people. Now that the world has recovered there are around 400,000,000 people!

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