Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daily journal: Finding The Great Eddie

So ah I caught this earlier this morning. He is the world's lasrget bunny rabbit! We named him Eddie. We've been chasing him for years and years and I Gary Wilson caught him! My grand father would be so proud. You see, My grand father had been chasing him too, and same with my Papa. They both don passed away now but I know they are so proud up in the heavens. My Papa wasn't as in to it as me and my grand father were. Me and my grand father devoted our whole life into chasing after this bugger.
The next day I took Eddie to a showing where a lot of people gather to show off their catchings. I knew I was going to surprise everybody. Everyone was going to be so jealous of Eddie. A lot of people try to say the rabbit that they caught was "Eddie" but its not. I have him right here. I started setting up my showing station and I went back into my trailer to grab Eddie who was sleeping in his cage. I grabbed the cage and brought it outside to my showing station. I set the cage on a beautiful red velvet table cloth to make it look even more spectacular. This red velvet table cloth lured tons of people to my showing station. Everyone was snapping quick photos of Eddie and I. At the end of the showing someone wins a trophy for the best prized catching. Of course I won the best prized catching. So I got that beautiful shiny gold trophy to take home and I knew exactly where I'd put it. I put it on my special shelf of memories. It was the perfect spot to put it. I also decided to keep Eddie as a pet. I spent my whole life searching for him and I finally got him. I wasn't just going to give him away. I made him a little spot next to my special shelf to remember that special day when I found Eddie.

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