Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily journal: Found out your going to die...

So I found out I am going die... I have one month to accomplish all that I want before I die. There are a few things i'd like to do before I die. 1) Travel 2) Party with the Jersey Shore cast 3) Go shopping and get everything I want 4) Climb mountains 5) Camping and fishing trip. These are a few things that i'd like to do before I die. First I want to go to Alaska and then Hawaii and then Japan. A few days in each place. I also want to visit a concentration camp. So 2 weeks will consist of traveling. Then I have to go to the Jersey Shore and stay with the Jersey Shore cast for a week to party with them and hang with them before I die. While this is all going on I will be shopping in every place I go, but I would forsure want to go to New York and hit up a few shops, which is really close to Jersey Shore anyways. Then I would go to Colorado and climb some mountains and maybe go climb Mt. Everest. Then I would spend my last week on a camping fishing trip with the family. I want my family to have a fun relaxing last time with me on this earth. I just want to be with my family for the last time I have here on this earth.

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